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Yoga with Faris



Trial Class
Available ONCE for NEW JOINERS

1 Class: HK$500* 


Individual Private (1 Class : 1 Hour)

10 Classes: HK$1,100/Class (Expiry: 3 months)

15 Classes: HK$1,050/Class (Expiry: 5 months)

20 Classes: HK$1,000/Class (Expiry: 6 months)


Group Private (1 Class : 1 Hour)

10 Classes: HK$1,500/Class (Expiry: 3 months; +HK$200 for any additional person >6)

15 Classes: HK$1,350/Class (Expiry: 5 months; +HK$200 for any additional person >6)

20 Classes: HK$1,200/Class (Expiry: 6 months; +HK$200 for any additional person >6)



* Trial class cost applied forward as a credit to first package *

* Pricing includes costs of travel; equipment supply *

* Expiry schedule commences on the date of first class complete *

* Cost of studio rental not included *

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Yoga with Faris

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
"One-Legged King Pigeon"

Yoga with Faris Handstand Pose
Yoga with Faris in Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Pose
Yoga with Faris


Since first attending Faris' vinyasa group class in 2018, I've been motivated to practise more. I began taking Faris' private class in early 2020 and she has helped me progress so quickly as she focuses on my weaknesses and gives specific training. I can definitely observe noticeable differences in my body. I gained so much flexibility and strength!

Yoga with Faris


I always look forward to Faris' class. I have a really busy work life and practising yoga with Faris really calms my mind. I was intimidated by yoga at first, but Faris showed me that we can start with something easy as we work towards relaxing and improving me every week.

Yoga with Faris


Faris gives me the confidence to keep progressing; always adding new skills and refining concepts. Without Faris, I really don’t think I’d be where I am today; happier, healthier, and with more determination to succeed in personal and professional goals! I can't wait to keep learning more on this journey together!

Yoga with Faris in Ardha Chandrasana Pose

Ardha Chandrasana
"Half Moon"

Yoga with Faris in Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Pose
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Yoga with Faris in Titibhasana Pose
Start Your Journey

Unsure of what your goals are? Let’s find out how

Yoga with Faris can help improve your daily life in a trial class.

Come with an open mind, no commitments required.

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